Nursing Home Neglect Attorney Cumming

Kim Wichalonis: A Dedicated Advocate for the Elderly
Kim Wichalonis is our leading nursing home abuse attorney. With a deep commitment to the elderly, she has specialized in this area since the beginning of her legal career. Having handled numerous cases of nursing home abuse and accidents in Cumming, Georgia, Kim brings a wealth of knowledge about nursing home standards of care, daily operations, and common defense strategies used by nursing homes. She is dedicated to helping clients seek compensation for damages resulting from nursing home abuse and accidental deaths.
We take a proactive role in collaborating with governmental agencies and care groups to prevent abuse and neglect in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Our goal is to be part of the solution in ending the mistreatment of the sick and elderly.
Nursing Home Reform Act
The Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 mandates that nursing homes provide the highest practicable care to maintain the well-being of residents. This act outlines basic rights, including freedom from abuse, mistreatment, and neglect; privacy; accommodation of needs; dignity; self-determination; and the right to voice grievances without reprisal.
Differences Between Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse
Nursing home neglect is a breach of duty that can harm a patient, while abuse implies intentional harm. It’s not always easy to distinguish between the two, making it crucial to contact an experienced attorney like Kim Wichalonis.
Warning Signs of Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse
Elder abuse is a significant issue, with one in ten older adults in the U.S. experiencing some form of abuse. Signs of neglect or abuse include unsanitary conditions, personal hygiene concerns, staffing issues, unanswered calls for help, nutrition concerns, and unexplained injuries.
Suspect Nursing Home Abuse?
Steps to Take Initially, address your concerns with the nursing home staff. If unsatisfied, contact the Georgia Department of Human Services. In emergencies, call 911. Other resources include the U.S. Administration on Aging’s Eldercare Locator (1-800-677-1116) and the National Center on Elder Abuse.
Seeking Compensation for Nursing Home Abuse Victims of nursing home abuse may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, mental anguish, wrongful death, funeral expenses, loss of care, and loss of earnings.
Schedule a Free Consultation With Wichalonis Law During this challenging time, you don’t have to face it alone. Arrange a private consultation with Kim Wichalonis to discuss your case. Use our online contact form or call us at 888-677-3885 for a free, no-obligation consultation.
Remember, you never have to face a nursing home or its insurance company alone. Contact Wichalonis Law today to stand up for your loved one’s rights.